EU LIFE program “Waste To Resources”

LIFE Waste to Resources IP: Circular construction materials and C&DW
Latvian Construction Association (LBA) is among those more than 20 partners of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, which implement the integrated project of the European Union’s LIFE program “Waste To Resources Latvia – Boosting Regional Sustainability and Circularity by Introducing the Concept of Using Waste as Resources” (“Life Waste to Resource”). The project is financially supported by the LIFE environment and climate program of the European Union and the State Regional Development Agency.
The project will run from 2021 to 2028, and in the course of it, the partners will work on 27 tasks, implementing 141 measures to support the Waste Management State Plan 2021-2028. year implementation.
The initial tasks of LBP are to investigate the current situation of the sustainability of construction materials and construction waste in Latvia’s public and commercial sector construction plans and to learn about circular construction practices abroad. Next in the project, LBP, in consultation with representatives of the design, construction, waste management and real estate management and administration sectors will develop proposals and guidelines for the creation of a circular system of building materials and construction and demolition waste.
In the course of the project, the system will also be tested in practice, the possibilities and necessity of data integration will be identified, but at the final stage, taking into account the experience gained, LBP will prepare proposals for amendments to regulatory acts.
Project website: wastetoresources.varam.gov.lv
The Project “Waste To Resources Latvia – Boosting Regional Sustainability and Circularity .” (LIFE Waste to Resources IP, LIFE20 IPE/LV/000014) is implemented with the financial support of the LIFE Programme of the European Union and Latvian State Regional Development Agency.
The information reflects only the LIFE Waste to Resources IP beneficiaries’ view and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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