Latvian Construction Association

The General Agreement on the Minimum Wage in the Construction Industry

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Developing Social Dialogue for Better Regulation

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Latvian Construction Association

Latvian Construction Association is an independent public organisation comprised of about twenty-five largest building contractors in Latvia, whose total turnover equals to around 300 million euros per year. The organisation’s goal is to facilitate a sustainable construction industry, based on safety, quality, long-term development and industry competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the Latvian Construction Association works hard to create and maintain the dialogue between the construction industry and the state of Latvia. The dialogue is to initiate positive changes that will contribute to achieving the defined goals.

The Association’s operation is based on the following tasks:

  • Working towards a policy, which would be beneficial for the construction industry and promote sustainable development and competitiveness of the industry in foreign markets;
  • Introducing standards of good practice to promote quality and safety in the construction industry;
  • Making the industry’s environment attractive for career development and encouraging young people to acquire industry-related professions;
  • Initiating changes in the educational system to ensure that new specialists are trained according to the current requirements of the labour market;
  • Implementing measures to ensure fair competition and reduce the shadow economy.

To achieve these goals, the Latvian Construction Association actively participates and expresses its opinions in industry-related events, organised by both public and social organisations. The Association may also initiate amendments to laws and regulations. Furthermore, the methods used by the Association may include organisation of various seminars, discussions, conferences, consultations and analytical processes.

Values of the Latvian Construction Association are safety, quality and sustainability.
